Pendulum - The Portable Oracle

Sometimes the trusty Pendulum doesn't get all the credit it deserves. Not only is it the most simple, user friendly oracle, it also allows for the clearest and most informative answers from the sub-conscience, higher-self and Spirit. Yes or no answers are clearer than those that are open for interpretation. Yes means yes and no means no. Plus, it's totally portable. I wear mine as a necklace all the time and use it anywhere.

Since the pendulum is so simple some may discount it. But with some patience and practice the pendulum will prove to be your go-to divination tool. The trick is in developing an individual language between you and your pendulum. There are many and varying instructions out there on how to do so, and adopting any one of these that feels right to you is fine. Alternatively, and possibly more effectively, come up with your own ways and rules.

Most people start with yes, no, and maybe movements. Visualize a cross. The pendulum swinging top to bottom, up and down resembles a affirmative nod of the head, meaning yes. Swinging back and forth, left to right is like shaking your head in saying no. Then there are circles, clockwise and counter clockwise. What might they mean? Maybe...? Refuse to answer...? Rephrase question...? The best meanings are the ones you set for yourself, between you and your pendulum.

Here are my top 10 tips for using a pendulum. Take and use the ones you like:
1. Start and end with a prayer of gratitude, asking for clarity and guidance toward the highest best for all.
2. Be calm and relaxed. It's difficult to read the pendulum when you're overly emotional, angry, tense, or frustrated.
3. Use the pendulum with reverence and respect. Silly questions will get you silly answers.
4. Write down your questions and record the answers. An ongoing pendulum journal is very gratifying.
5. Practice and be patient. Developing a language and relationship with your pendulum is required.
6. Get in a neutral frame of mind. Your mind is strong and wishful thinking can influence the pendulum's swing.
7. Wear your pendulum often because it will absorb your energy, becoming one with your higher-self.
8. Keep your pendulum for your own use only, and do not allow others to touch it.
9. Clear your pendulum of negative energy by cleansing it in running water and leaving it in moonlight overnight.
10. Realize that there are some things in life that we are not meant to know the answers to.

And the USES for the PENDULUM are endless...
Use it like compass if you're lost.
A pendulum will help you find lost objects, people, pets...
Use the pendulum to clarify and confirm other oracle's answers.
Explore past lives with the pendulum.
Use it in healing and to locate disease.
The pendulum for dream interpretation is indispensable.
Spirit communication becomes clear with the pendulum.
It will help in any decision you're contemplating.
And more, more, more...

We'd love to hear your stories. What do you use your pendulum for? Pay it forward by sharing your gifts with others by giving us your tips and explaining your special techniques. Also, if you have any questions about pendulums, ask in the comments, and I'll get right back to you.

Love, Peace, Blessings, and Joy to you!

1 comment:

  1. I wondered if my own wishes influenced my pendulum. I have had conflicting answers where withing moments of asking the same question I would get a different answer depending on if I was thinking, "please say yes, please say yes" or just cleared my mind.

    Also, I find that my pendulum talks to me sometimes even when I am not holding it. For example, I asked it if it needed to be cleansed and it said yes. I asked if it wanted to be put in the sunlight and it said no. I asked if it wanted to be in salt water and it said yes. Then I just knew that it wanted ocean water so I asked to confirm and got a strong yes. I took it with me to the beach when I went hunting for a smudging shell. I felt almost giddy while at the beach but knew it wasn't my own emotion. I had already cleansed my pendulum with salt water that a friend had brought me from when she went kayaking. But I took out my pendulum and asked if it wanted to be held in the ocean water. Due to a handicap, I was unable to go into the water myself so I asked it's permission to allow a friend who was with me if he could do it and it said yes. I could feel how happy it was, and he stated that the arm of the hand he was holding the pendulum with both tingled and felt lighter.

    I use my pendulum to communicate with my spirit guides. I use it to help me make decisions regarding my life and which path to follow. I also realize that I still have free will and can contradict my pendulums answer to a question simply by way of choosing a different path.
