Try out this technique, or use it as inspiration to devise your own:
First, make a list of each goal you want to work on. For each goal on your list, create a separate item to represent it. The item can be a "goal pic" (vision board type collage), or a drawing, etc. Each goal needs it's own item to represent it, though, because you'll use this technique to choose the one hottest goal for you to work on right now. Focusing on one goal at a time is the most effective.
For example, I have three goals. I decided to create what I call "goal-pics" as items to represent each goal. Here's how I did it:
- On one piece of paper, using cut out pictures from magazines, I created a collage of Costa Rica, a place I would like to live for a year.
- On a second piece of paper, I made a collage of pictures representing growing my business.
- And, on a third sheet of paper, I have a collage of romance goals.
(You can take as much time as you need to make these, or get them started and add more to them later.)
Next, lay each "goal-pic" out in front of you, and for each one, ask your pendulum questions like,
- Is this goal part of my life purpose?
- Do I posses enough passion to achieve this goal?
- Is this goal something I'll be excited about achieving?
- Is this goal the one I should be working on now?
After your pendulum shows you which goal is the hottest for you right now, you can use it to set your goal with affirmations. Create some affirmations that show you achieving your hot goal in the present tense. For example, my pendulum went crazy-positive over my Costa Rica goal pic. So, I came up with these affirmations:
- I love living in Costa Rica.
- I can easily afford this life in Costa Rica.
- Costa Rica living adds to my life, business, romance, and spirit.
Finally, initiate an amulet that represents your goal. You can choose any small object as an amulet, like a stone or a crystal. Or, can buy an amulet. Or, you can simply write out your affirmations on a paper the size of a business card. Spiritually set your amulet, infusing your affirmations onto the amulet in a prayer like fashion. Wear or carry your amulet with you every day. Then often, at least daily, hold your pendulum over your amulet and say your affirmations aloud. Feel the yes, yes, yes, swing of your pendulum as you picture each affirmation in your mind, as if it was here and now.

Using your pendulum with an amulet is super potent! This technique is just one of the infinite that you can come up with. The stronger it resonates with you the more powerful it is, so tweek it, or re-write it, and make it your own.
Share with us your technique and let us know how it's working for you.
Post any questions you may have in the comments.
Love, Peace, Blessings, and Joy to YOU
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