Spirit Speak (one example)

chaser the smart dog who knows 1000 words holding a darwin doll

How does our Spirit Team speak with us?

One way of looking at it....
People talking to their pets is kind of like the way Spirit communicates with us. Say a person and a dog: Each person will talk to their dog a little differently. As the dog and the person get closer, the dog will read the person's expressions, moods, and key words and commands. I saw this documentary where the person could tell his dog to bring him each one of over 1,000 different toys by name, and the dog knew each and every one. The person would say, go get me your elephant, and the dog would. He'd say, bring me your shark... your ball... and on and on. And the dog knew the name for each of his toys.

Communication. It's not like Spirit are the pet owners and people are their pets. This comparison is just about the communication part. We need to be eager to learn what Spirit is saying to us. The signs and symbols, the supernatural sign-language that my Spirit Team communicates to me will probably be a little different than your Spirit Team communicates to you.
  • Connect with your Spirit Team often so you can grow closer and their signs.
  • Ask for a sign and look for confirmation in sets of three.
  • Ask for your Spirit Team to speak to you through an oracle, like the Tarot.
  • Keep a daily journal of signs and synchronicities. For example, here's my work in progress: SuperNaturalSignLanguage
What's another example that you can think of, of how your Spirit Team speaks?

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