"I'm seeing a ___...,"
"They're showing me a ___, and that's my sign for ___..."
That's how the Spirit-World speaks to us, - through signs.
Some people started hearing, seeing, feeling, speaking Spirit for as long as they can remember and it comes as natural to them as knowing another language. It's like being brought up in a home that speaks English and Spanish, they're bilingual, so to speak.
For other people, it was like growing up knowing English, but when the Spanish Television Station was turned on, someone immediately switched the channel. And now, at MidLife, they want to be fluent in that other language. Except, of course, we're talking about speaking Spirit.
Your Spirit Team is constantly trying to speak to you and are so happy that you've decided to become more and more fluent in SuperNaturalSignLanguage. The first step in learning the language is in knowing your signs. Your signs will probably be different than my signs or another famous Psychic Medium's signs. This is because of your own, individual internal reference system, that is created in your subconscious mind.
When I say snake you see _________.
...the Devil, like in the Garden of Eden.
...a phallic symbol.
...danger! I have a snake phobia.
...fond childhood memories. I kept a snake as a pet.
You get it! Different things mean different things to different people based on their own, individual experiences. That's why Dream Dictionaries don't work. When I dream about a snake, it's the type of dream that's too racy to talk about here.
So, here's a tip:
Choose a word (or create a list of words) that you want to know in Spirit Speak.
Pick words and phrases that will be helpful... maybe love, go for it, danger...
Focus on one word or phrase at a time and ask your Spirit Team to show you the sign that is the meaning to that word.
Maybe something will pop into your knowing right away.
Ask for confirmation in threes.
For example, if you are learning the Spirit Sign for the word love and Spirit shows you a pink heart, then...

- you get an email signed in pink hearts ♡♥♡♥♡♥, and then...
- you hear a song by Pink, and you see her wearing a shirt with hearts on it, and then...
- you see a billboard with a pink heart on it.

You'll know a pink heart is your sign for love!
What is your Spirit sign for love?
Very easy to understand, concrete example of how we are to search for our sign. So what's my sign?